.the diary of erika rice.
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* luckeme@dland

03.12.02 || 1113fuckingpm

I GOT MY LAP TOP! One glorius ending to a fucking fantabulous day. (well.. it was fantabulous until.. well... he and I both know till what happened happened. Lying son of a....oops, didn't mean to go off like that. Just a little pent up emotion and anger that is just waiting to get out.

So. I had a good day all in all. I read this guy's diary, Justin , he is fucking funny as hell. You have to check him out! And the day was going gloriously, till I get to Nathan's and I have to sit outside and wait on him to get home so that I can go inside, then he gets there and jumps into the shower.. and I go snooping where I know I'll find he's been lying to me. I hate liars... god damned it.

So.. I confronted him, he got defensive, the whole fucking nine yards, again, a week later after he PROMISES that he will stop. I told him, this time, if you cross me again, we are OVER.. no more me giving you chances. I have had enough of this shit. And to THINK that I was going to TURN MY DIARY into a HAPPY little place instead of a depressing one. I guess the depression won't be gone until he STOPS royally FUCKING up.

Okay. Nathan I love you! If your reading this, but I had to "vent" a little. You understand. We're going to get through this and we are going to survive. *I hope and pray*

Anyways. Excited about my lap top that plays DVD's and I can hook my play station up to it.... wooooooo fucking hoooooooooo.

I got my car up to 100 mph+ tonight. My grandparents are going on vacation next week and will be gone for two weeks. I'm trying to convice Nathan to stay here. He will. I will force him to. I need to get to bed, it's way way way past my bed time and I've had a horridly stressing day. I need to start meditating or something. Although writing on here does provide some kind of outlet, I always feel better when I'm done.

past | present

Bledgirlblue - 2003

2002 Review - 12.20.02

.end.password.blows. - 12.04.02

.nothing.fuck.it. - 11.25.02

.im.good.friend. - 11.25.02

maystar * designs