.the diary of erika rice.
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* luckeme@dland

04.26.02 || 8:00 pm

kiss my grits, My surgery went well. My mouth doesn't hurt HALF as bad as when I had that hell of a fucking tooth ache, and believe it or not, now I can open my mouth ALL THE WAY, where as before, I could only open it so far before my dumb wisdom teeth got in the way, therefore, now from now on, when I give Nathan a bj, my mouth won't get all funky with cramps and shit! Yippe! horray for pain free blow job givings.

Where the dumb nurse for the dentist tried the IV the first time, the other arm, it's fine.

Isn't that picture just worth a MILLION words? haha. Yeah, I was wearing a long sleeved shirt today at the mall, so people wouldn't think I was a herion addict or a beaten persons. *hehe* my face is swollen, not bad, but enough, so I just went a got an ice pack to put it on my face so i don't look like a nut-packing squirrel tomorrow am. Well kiddos, no party for me tonight, I'm afraid that if I go drinking, my stitches will dissolve and the gum tissue won't be healed. I think they clean wounds with alcohol tho right?? who knows. Better safe than sorry. Plus I'm super tired. I spent the whole day with sydney, in a car, went through two orders of french fries, of which I COULD NOT CONSUME, only she consumed, and only she consumed like five or ten fries. so it was like a waste of two bucks. Anyways, so I bought a blow drier, a vcr, a gold watch, the OTHER Sponge Bob video, for Sydney, and my viewing pleasure. :) ahh.. I think I'm going to go now. I'm tired... and my mouth hurts, along with my head now.

past | present

Bledgirlblue - 2003

2002 Review - 12.20.02

.end.password.blows. - 12.04.02

.nothing.fuck.it. - 11.25.02

.im.good.friend. - 11.25.02

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