.the diary of erika rice.
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* luckeme@dland

04.24.02 || 729pm

Okay dudes/dudettes, I know it's been awhile.... a long while, and I'm sooo sorry. I have so much to tell you, one thing, is that the other night, monday, I was upstairs on my laptop, working in Word 00 and I had like the most I'd ever written, and I was going to copy and paste it into this diary, and then I got this stupid fucking error message, and I lost ALL the work. Then today at work, I lost a whole fucking spread sheet in Excel, because I wasn't saving. :( That's like three hours of work. LOST. Grrr. Today was secretarys day, so the bosses bought me flowers. Let's start tho, at Friday.

Friday I left work early, because I could, and then, guess what I did.. *giggle* I went to an GASP, adult store. Shhhhhhh.. don't tell anyone. But I was by myself, and I couldn't help it, I was giggling to myself in the adult section.. haha. I felt so kindergarten. I was giggling out loud right next to the anal plugs, and desensitizing creams.... hahaha. Then that evening, I just kinda hung out here at home after I went and tanned. I didn't go to work THURSDAY, and I took Sydney to the park, it was so much fun. My tooth bothered me so bad Wednesday night, I was up all night, and there was NO way I was going to work. But I seriously think it died. Because it didn't really hurt all weekend, and it hasn't bothered me very much this week. Sometimes I suspect it is just sleeping, and it's going to attack me very very soon. anyways, saturday, was my little brother colts 12th birtday party, so we arrive, and they ask me to play laser tag.. it was fun. except that the fucking kids were hitting me with their guns and they were RUNNING and it specifically said NO RUNNING. Who knows.. maybe i'm just a bad sport. Hm. Anyways, nathan suggested that I go the party by myself, and he would go out with dale, I was slightly confused, but agreed. So that night, I went to Jens to party. It was fun, I got drunk, saw friends, and then drove to Nathan's at 4am. hehe. I was driving naked. HAHA. ( i decided right before I got to his house I would change into my pajamas while I was driving. What a effin rush.. haha)

Then Sunday I spent the day recovering. Monday was uneventful, except that nathan pissed me off and the stupid lap top fucked with me. then on TUESDAY, I had to have a meeting with ONE of my THREE/FOUR/FIVE? Bosses. I swear, sometimes I feel like I'm on office space, so Alfred, calls me back into his office, and he talks to me about some "issues" that have "arisen" about my not being "courteous" to customers, it appears a few of the LO's, have had their "customers" complain about me to them. First off, the fucking loan officers FAMILY does not count, I don't have to be fucking nice to them. AND I am NICE To ALL our effin customers. (sigh) anyways.. yeah, i got denied for the FIFTY cent RAISE he PROMISED Me at the end of my NINETY days.. lying sack of fucking fecal matter..... decay... decay.. I dare say. Asshole. Then today was secretary's day, and my boss Kimberly, and my bosses David and Dan, sent me flowers. :) It was special. Hmm.. Oh YEAH. Tomorrow, I get to have my WISDOM teeth cut out.

I am so scared. Oh well. I'm sure I'll be okay, everyone out there pray for me Kay? Cause I'm the kinda person, if it can go wrong, it fucking will.

Well, I have a migraine now, and Andrew of Diaryland is causing me major confusion....... okay. If I think of anything to add, I will, but until then, everyone hope, pray, whatever for me, and my surgery tomorrow kay?

ONE OTHER THING. Here's the bitching part, I LOVE to EMAIL, and I don't effin mean those stupid retarded fowards, I mean, PERSONAL Emails, where I actually make an effort to say HI, how are you? I'm doing good! Really? That's awesome? How's our job? ETC ETC. SIGH. I emailed like FOUR FUCKING people PERSONAL emails, and guess how many people responded? NONE>ZERO>ZIP>ZILTCH. It makes me sad to think that people don't care about my emailing. Would you email back and forth with me? email me, I'll fucking correspond. ANYWAYS. That's a huge fucking pet peeve, and the fact that I have to pay 220.00 DOLLARS tomorrow, out of MY POCKET, when I get my teeth done, that pisses me off too. :( I'm away now, to give princess whiney butt sydney a bath. Take care.

past | present

Bledgirlblue - 2003

2002 Review - 12.20.02

.end.password.blows. - 12.04.02

.nothing.fuck.it. - 11.25.02

.im.good.friend. - 11.25.02

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