.the diary of erika rice.
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* luckeme@dland

07.20.02 || 252am

so it's 252 am and i'm sitting here at my computer. i am rather tired, but seeing as i have kinda laxed in my diary updating duties for the past couple of days i would update. so far i have a job. i talked to my boss cindy today and she said that the hr department passed my physical TUESDAY and they just forgot to call her. so i'm in. :O) but, i have to attend orientation before i start work, and the next orientation isn't until next monday, the 29th. so i have one more week of unemployment, and then i start working. :) super super super. tonight i saw my friend jenn. she is doing alright. she was doing this long distance thing with this guy in the service, and it's not working too well. we just spent the evening talking about anything and everything. it was nice seeing her. i got invited to go to a party next friday, at Pnut/kelly/jeffs. i am going to go. i dunno if ns will go with me or not, he's usually really beat on fridays, but i'm going to try to drag levi along with me. yesterday i did nothing really.*yesterday i mean thursday* Yesterday, friday, i went shopping for nathan's birthday, which is today. i bought him a coffee maker. it's really nice. i got myself a luggage set, lol, it was on SALE. saving money thru purchases. ;) so i guess the present for nathan is kinda a both of our present, because when we move in together we are going to need a coffee maker anyways. i haven't talked to my mom in a week. same old same old. i think she's pissed at me b/c i went an picked sydney up last saty night instead of letting her stay there. but damn it, i missed my little girl. i busted my toe on the stairs, and half my big toe nail came off, so it hurts alright bad. today i have to make a cake for nathan's birthday. i dunno what we are going to do. he hates his birthdays, he really doesn't like any holiday or special day. i wonder why.. there has to be some kind of psychological reason. i decided that i don't want to be bitchy and cynical anymore. it really sucks.. i'm going to try to be more laid back and observant. is that a good idea?? i got registered for my classes at sinclair, i'm taking a photoshop class, a medical coding class, a insurance class, and a abnormal psychology class. covers all the things i wanna do. i really hope nathan and i can be in out own apartment by this winter.

going back to work is going to be so hard. i am going to miss sydney so much. she's my little baby girl, and i'm so used to being able to spend the whole day with her sometimes, just her and i. i need time like that, when nathan isn't around. i don't think he understands that though. when i get back to work the only free time i have he will want, but i want to be able to spend some one on one time with sydney too!

i had chili tonight.. it hurts my tummy. i'm tired.. had a lot of juice today. juicy juice is goooood. :) i guess i should get to bed so i can make a chocolate on chocolate cake for ns's 24th birthday tomorrow. i need to order scrubs for work too. ( my mommy gave me her penny's card.. hahaha ) so i'm going to order out of the catalog.

Oh! I official hate dial-up fucking connections. blah on dial-up, it should be fucking illegal.

that's my piece and i'm sticking to it.

past | present

Bledgirlblue - 2003

2002 Review - 12.20.02

.end.password.blows. - 12.04.02

.nothing.fuck.it. - 11.25.02

.im.good.friend. - 11.25.02

maystar * designs