.the diary of erika rice.
bio | profile | contact | links | archive | notes
* luckeme@dland

11.10.02 || 8:41 pm

Me: when i die, i want to be eating ben and jerrys and having sex. yeah, i'll die from sensory overload.

Andrea: how about while having sex with ben and jerry.

Me: sure, as long as they give me free ice cream, brownie fudge flavor (no pun) and chocolate chip cookie dough.

:: in the car on the way to the mall with andrea and scott, after being told there was a ben and jerrys in the fucking mall ::

past | present

Bledgirlblue - 2003

2002 Review - 12.20.02

.end.password.blows. - 12.04.02

.nothing.fuck.it. - 11.25.02

.im.good.friend. - 11.25.02

maystar * designs