.the diary of erika rice.
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* luckeme@dland

06.19.02 || 12:01 am

admitting that this disease is beating me yet again is hard to do, especially when you admit it to someone else, like a person who i think just won't ever understand. i don't think you can understand, unless you go through it... my mom didn't understand until she was diagnosed with it.

I'm also becoming ill with a cold or bronchitis or something, coughing and sneezing, added to migraines..

what fun..

job hunting... that's where it's at.

I'm considering a part time job, full time school, and selling my car... not to make profit, just to get rid of my 286 dollar car payment every month.. that's really the only reason i work, so i can make that payment.

well.. i don't work anymore, cause i lost my effing job. fuck you and fuck that.

god damned shit....

applied for unemployment today.. we'll see how that goes, if it comes down to it, i'll be pressing unlawful employment discharge charges or something.

they had NO reason to fire me..

i go to work,

i'm on time to work

i do work

i do work fast

i never ever am able to take lunch...

or breaks..

i work hard

they never told me directly that my lap top was not allowed

stupid bitch politics at work

they fired me because of that complaint i made about that guy talking and staring at my breasts ALL the time, when i complained, (he was of opposite racial background as i am)

the hr director, (also of the same opposite racial background) came out and asked ME what I SAID to make him say that to me.

(FYI: Only FOUR "african american"'s worked in that office. I was a "bitchy" white girl complaining and trying to bring the "african" race down.

BLAH. WHAT SHIT. If the dude would have been white, and made the comments he made to me, he would have gotten FIRED, instead, "this dude" I heard he got written up, it was never even told to me what happened. All i cared was that the comments stopped. but ever since that happened, that hr director (alfred) has been treating me differently. LOOKING for ways to fire me...




any aspiring attorney's out there wanna help?? haha.

anyways, i need to get to bed.

Long day of attempting to make grandmother happy only to fail miserably because i am a worthless piece of shit.

past | present

Bledgirlblue - 2003

2002 Review - 12.20.02

.end.password.blows. - 12.04.02

.nothing.fuck.it. - 11.25.02

.im.good.friend. - 11.25.02

maystar * designs