.the diary of erika rice.
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* luckeme@dland

07.15.02 || 1014pm

it's so funny. i've gone from updating at 10 am to updating at 10pm. that's kinda scary. when nathan and i broke up in october, i met this guy.. and he was pretty cool. I didn't know we were going out until he broke it off with me because this wonderful ex girl of his from polland was moving over here to be with him. :) no hard feelings. but i called him the other day because i wanted to know the title of a book he had that i was interested in. i actually was able to talk to him today via the internet. (what a wonderful thing, the internet) anyways, my day consisted of cleaning, going to troy, swimming, watching a little tv with nathan, and that'd be it. I don't feel very good right now, so the entry's going to have to be short. :( sorry. oh, and i sometimes think i might be bi-curious. i really really do.

past | present

Bledgirlblue - 2003

2002 Review - 12.20.02

.end.password.blows. - 12.04.02

.nothing.fuck.it. - 11.25.02

.im.good.friend. - 11.25.02

maystar * designs