.the diary of erika rice.
bio | profile | contact | links | archive | notes
* luckeme@dland

10.15.02 || 6:45 pm

I used to update this all the time. now i don't. i have no time. :( it makes me sad to read about all of the stuff i've written... and how much i've not written down. my brother is gone.. to chi town....... i miss him

there's a couple of boys i like.. one talks bout his ex all the time.. downer. the other... well.. i suppose we'll see.

past | present

Bledgirlblue - 2003

2002 Review - 12.20.02

.end.password.blows. - 12.04.02

.nothing.fuck.it. - 11.25.02

.im.good.friend. - 11.25.02

maystar * designs