.the diary of erika rice.
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* luckeme@dland

07.26.02 || 953am

i'm sitting here, fresh out of the shower, with wet hair. i had my diary reviewed.. the first ever at dreamreview and it was a pretty nice one. Thanks Lil.

Today I am going to try to take Sydney and get her picture taken. At ::dum:: ::dum:: ::dum:: WALMART. not only is this just a walmart, it's a damn super walmart. (by super it means it's a Meijer wanna-be) although i heard that walmart bought out meijer. that's kinda odd. who will compete with walmart for low low prices? not i says kroger, we appeal to the yuppie zealots and will not lower our absolutely outrageous food prices. not i says kmart, we are going bankrupt. target? nah.

oh well. i wish i had some money so i could go to lane bryant and get a cute something to wear. but lane bryant is so damn expensive. :(( that's what happens when you are a fat ass like me though, you have to shop at the expensive big girl store.


i did some tae-bo last night after ns left. i was pretty pissed. i talked to dean and andrea via windows messanger and i felt better. i really felt better after watching billy blanks.. oooohh baby. you can touch my gluteus maximus anytime you want. *hahahahahaha* i'm not feeling too hot today. my stomach is a little upset. for birthcontrol i've been on the depo provera shot for almost two years.. (in october it'll be two years) and lately since i've been on it i've had moderate body acne. which is super gross. so i talked to my dr and she put me on this anti-acne antibiotic that i can take with depo or the pill. lol. I have to take it ever day at the same time every day. NOW.. i got on the DEPO shot so that I wouldn't have to take a DAMN PILL every fucking day, but now look at me, i'm going every three months to get a needle stuck in my ass, and the depo could make me infertile, sterile, or whatever, and now i have to take a pill anyways. *sigh* I told grandma though, I'd rather miss a pill and get acne than miss a pill and get another surprise pregnancy!

Yea.. that's much better.

tonight pnut is having a margarita/birthday party for this new girl he's seeing. she has a three year old kid, so right away i like her. we have something in common. single motherhood. so i'm hoping tonight to go and get totally blasted. it won't take much, when nathan and i went to chili's last weekend i had a few little sips of his drink.. and i was buzzing. lol. I have zero tolerance now I suppose.

I also noticed that i'm going back and forth with my UpperCase and lowercase.. this could cause some issues.....

Monday I start my new job. Yeah Me. GO ME GO. I have to make sure I look all perty for my picture, (i have to get an id card for work with my picture on it. hehe)

Well.. this is my last no work friday. It's sad and nice. I'm going to go spend it with Sydney.

past | present

Bledgirlblue - 2003

2002 Review - 12.20.02

.end.password.blows. - 12.04.02

.nothing.fuck.it. - 11.25.02

.im.good.friend. - 11.25.02

maystar * designs